Sunday, February 21, 2010

Music of the week

I found some awesome music and want to share with all of you. My favorite band right now is Magic Arm (Folk/Experimental/Pop). Love their sound. I hope you like it as much as I do. Enjoy!

More to come...

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Alamere Falls, Bolinas

If you are crazy about the ocean and hiking, you will fall in love with this place...The Alamere Falls. Alamere Falls, plunges 50 feet from the cliff into the sea. The trek begins on the wide, well-kept Coast Trail and meanders 4.1 miles one-way from the Palomarin trailhead along the edge of the Pacific. On the way, you’ll see beautiful Bass Lake and Pelican Lake. The views are amazing.

Here's part I of our hike.

Stand by..more to come.

Song of the day

Love this song and I saw him (Landon Pigg) perform at The Independent recently.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dipsea Trail

My friend Emily and I went on a hike to the Dipsea Trail last saturday. I love going to the Dipsea trail because it is beautiful and keeps on going for miles and miles. If you love being outdoors and like to walk/run this is the trail for you.
Thanks to my friend Geck for giving me the Flip video (as a gift). I took it on the hike with me and here's part 1.

It was a gloomy day but at some point the sun came out and we just walked and walked and then arrived at the Suntrail. At the end of the suntrail there is a tourist lodge..basically a european style beer lodge. I call it a tree hugger (hippy) camp with the member's having a shitty attitude!!! But all in all, the place has amazing views.
Emily was pretty pissed that the guy in the beer lodge gave her an attitude so this is what she did to piss him off!!!!

After we left the hippy camp we found a small (hippy) waterfall kidding!!!! haha... It was wet and muddy that day because of all the rain we have been getting and all creeks were flowing! It was beautiful!

More videos to come!