Monday, September 28, 2009

The Harvest Party '09

Welcome to my blog. I have had this blog for over a 1 yr now and have never blogged before. So, I decided to write about The Harvest Party which was hosted by 3 wine makers (friends) Ladd, Herve & Erol.

I have been to the Harvest Party once before in '07 and it was a lot of fun. Everyone walks down to the vineyard to learn about the art of growing and harvesting.

Once the grapes are harvested they are stomped by everyone and de-stemmed.
Everyone is served a wonderful gourmet lunch and refreshments and also some "De Novo" wines.

Here are some pics of the party.

The Harvest Party is held at the The Alpicella Vineyard nestled high in the pristine mountains between Napa and Sonoma County.You also get to play with Emu's, Llamas & donkey's (ASS) :) that live on the property. The Llama's name is Johnson (hmmm!!! ya! right!)

He was so friendly that he gave kisses to everyone. Not really! He just wanted the figs!